Sunday 24 March 2019

Hanbury Symposium

Notes from the Symposium:

No Brow, Cicada, Hatchette
-Process: acquisition meetings, choose projects and illustrators
-They look on instagram and at agents for illustrators
-First time publishing- send to a publishers, open submission policy, might not reply
-The more places you're seen, the more odds of an opportunity arising
-Enter publishing competitions, work gets shown to many
-Only send work to publishers you'd want to work with, make it personal, don't forget to include contact details in footer of email
-Children's books is a way bigger market
-Concertina books and zines aren't effective for a traditional book shop, only special shops or fairs
-Sending work to a publisher, just send as a PDF or somethings physical work and follow up with an email
-Getting into publishing, remember there are creative jobs that aren't being an illustrator
-Be easy to work with
-Publish your own work, follow publishers on social media
-Go to book fairs and book launches
-Remember there are spot illustrations and covers too, not just narrative

-Everything you want is the other side of your comfort zone, have to feel uncomfortable to grow
-Have work ethic and learn new things
-Transferable skills from degree to a new job role

It's Nice That and Big Active
-Project manager role to apply for at It's Nice That
-Use instagram more seriously, use hashtags
-Be polished and proactive
-Continue work after leaving uni, developing a voice takes time
-Ask people to give feedback if they're not hiring, hound people
-Being an agent
-Find out what careers exist, research thoroughly, look on The Dots

Dusk Studio and Ogilvy
-Independent vs. large company

CIA,BA, Plum Pudding
-Agencies find illustrators and develop them
-They look for orginality
-Send a CV to be an agent to the agency

The whole event was really inspiring and interesting. It was interesting to hear about job roles I didn't really know existed and that I could do a job that is related to illustration that isn't being an illustrator. 

What I need to do
-Update website
-Apply for placement as Junior Project Manager at Anyways 
-Use instagram more
-Make a professional email address
-Join the Dots
-Make different CVs, catered to different jobs
-Make connections on the Dots and LinkedIn
-Book a careers appointment
-Make a plan for my life
-Join the AOI

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