Friday 22 March 2019

Find & Seek

Aderice set up a pop up shop in The Corn Exchange called Find&Seek for people from our uni to sell their work for a weekend. This was a great opportunity and I was really excited to be part of it. I hadn't had my work in a shop before, only sold at print fairs etc. I ended up selling 2 prints which I was happy about as there was a lot of amazing work there.

What I've learnt from this process:
-Selling work in a professional environment
-Learnt how to make an inventory with product codes
-How to think about a reasonable price without underselling myself
-How effective advertising an event on social media can be, the turn out to the launch party and customers in the shop was great
-Also worked in the shop for a couple of hours, this was fun to talk to customers about other peoples work and what the shop was about

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