Monday 25 March 2019


Headrow House
After taking part in the Open House and sending e-mails to Alice who runs it, I am now part of the mailing list for the events she organises

Girl Gang Leeds
After taking part in the Girl Gang Leeds print fair I am part of their mailing list to hear about other opportunities

Gross Studio
I am part of the 'Friends of Gross Studio' facebook group with 24 other artists to hear about upcoming events

Georgie Gozem 
After having that lengthy chat with Georgie about graduating, she said to contact her with any other questions 

Sam from NoBrow
I spoke to him briefly at Hanbury about how to get into publishing with no experience as I am interested in publishing and he was really encouraging

Aderice set up the Find & Seek pop up shop and I think she will be a great contact for the future as she will set up similar events to this

Dasi from The Making Project
Dasi runs The Making Project where I volunteered in hostels helping in art workshops, she said she will let me know if there are any other projects to help with in the future and she is also down as one of my references

Tracey Goodyere
Tracey is head of A&D PGCE at BCU and after speaking with her at the open day, she gave me her email for any questions or if I want her to help me get any experience working in a school

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