Wednesday 10 May 2017

Study Task 7- Self

5 strengths as a practitioner
- Roughs and thumnailing is something I see as very important now, to try out all your ideas in an exhaustive approach and see how they look, even if they might be terrible, something successful will most likely happen
- Open minded and willing to change and try new things, at the start of the year I did not appreciate any work that was simple or shape based or didn't show a lot of skill. This has changed a lot and I can appreciate work from Dominic Kirston or Louise Lockhart and I even aspire to make work like this now.
- Experimenting with different medias and techniques is something new 
- Identifying my mistakes and things I don't like to do 
- Becoming familiar with photoshop and illustrator, had never tried before this year and now I feel fairly comfortable with them even though I do need more practice

5 struggles as a practitioner
- Critical reflection turns into me being negative and unconfident in my work and then not being able to execute the final image very well
- Research is not something I'm very comfortable with when it's outside of the internet and something I need to improve as it helps a lot when trying to communicate a message in my work, you need background information about the subject
- I don't think about the message being communicated in my work enough and how it is being communicated
- Craftsmanship is something I want to improve a lot, I've become impatient and I want to bring back when I used to spend hours perfecting a piece of work
- Comparing to professional illustrators is something I do a lot, when they have been practising a lot longer than I have and everyone is different anyway, I need to just be inspired by them, not demotivated

5 strengths as a student
- Always punctual to uni, actually get there 10 mins before 9:30
- Always attend, I don't like to miss anything and see every session as very important, I think the only sessions I have missed is when I was ill once
- I'm always ridiculously organised with a to do lists, kind of obsessed with them which helps when organising my time effectively to get the work done before a deadline
- I have a good work ethic and will do all tasks set with a lot of effort put in
- Using the ILOs to help me reflect on my work successfully and helps me move forward in each module

5 struggles as a student
- Something I've noticed recently is how I rush everything and I'm not sure why, I set a time for something to be checked off my to do list when I should just take my time in order to do it to my best ability but I always have something in me to rush everything
- I'm a bit lazy and don't use my time properly, I'm not massively lazy but I know I could put more effort into my work 
- I'm too easily distracted and procrastinate too much, I need to delete my apps and just DO THINGS, its always 'one more youtube video..' '10 more mins in bed..'
- I can only actually make work 'when I'm in the mood', I need to change this and just sit down for 8 hours of a day and MAKE
- I need to read a book, go to the library. This is something I always think about doing and I want to do but I never do. I think it will really enrich my work and me as a person. My attention span is awful and I really need to improve it.
- I don't use 'studio development days' to my advantage, I'll do my washing, a bit of work, some cleaning, I should go to uni for the whole day to do work and then come back and sort other stuff out

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