Sunday 14 May 2017


I've definitely learnt a lot about illustration and myself as an illustrator in this module. I've learnt a lot about what illustration actually is and how it can be applied through the different study tasks and PPP sessions in the studio. The presentation planning and study tasks have helped me in discovering strengths and weakness I have which I can now focus on improving. I feel like I've had an almost epiphany during the illustrated self maps and being told to actually reflect on myself has made me realize what work I want to make and what message I want to communicate. I've thought a lot about how me, my interests and my work all relates which is something I haven't thought about before. The metal music I listen to, the interests I have in space etc, the games I play and the horror/fantasy films I watch all tie in with my work and I need to let this come out through in my work more now that I realize this. PPP has made me realize my interests and how they could influence my work to be enchanting, magical, adventurous, mysterious which is the direction I now know I want to go in. After realizing all this, I managed to create an A2 poster which I'm fairly happy with. I tested and trialed and thought about this piece a lot using analogue methods which I am happy I did. I still have room to improve but after piecing together what I want to include in my work and what I'm trying to communicate, I feel I am going in the right direction with my enchanted/magical A2 poster.

I could have improved with blogging things that influenced my practice such as all the gigs I go to, but I didn't even realize how much it influences me and my work. However, I have blogged certain things that I felt were of interest to me such as illustrator talks such as when Louise Lockhart and Dominic Kirkston talked to us about their work, I feel these were transformative moments and it's massively reassuring to hear their journey and how that could be similar to my own. Reassurance is something I definitely need as I have such low confidence in my work and this is something I need to work on. I could have also improved with the creativity of my presentation, this is something I've never done before and I'm definitely going to be very nervous, I wish I had thought about this more and maybe created a film. I've realized through the study tasks in this modules how much looking at other illustrators work and going to exhibitions motivates me and inspires me. I've learnt that this is something I need to do a lot more to further my practice. I've massively improved on my criticizing  skills, which helps me on the whole as an illustrator as I need to be constantly critically reflecting on other practitioners work to realize what work I like and don't like so I then can make work I like and that I'm interested in that I can also critically reflect to realize what I like and don't like so I can constantly be improving. PPP has completely changed my thoughts on my work and other illustrators work.

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