Thursday 11 May 2017

A2 Poster Roughs

Finding this brief hard. What do I want to include? In my presentation I've been exploring incorporating the idea of magic into my work. I realised I want my audience to feel enchanted when looking at my work. I've tried to come up with an image like that. I kinda think this works? Maybe the girl is me? I think about space a lot, how mind blowingly huge the universe is, what's out there, how big stars are but they look so small from earth, it makes me feel small and insignificant though. I tried to capture more of the magic of the universe and also the unknown. I'm worried this wouldn't be translated well to the people looking at it at the show? What if it just looks like a night sky to them? It's meant to be more than that. I've been making roughs and thumbnails and what I want to show on my A2 poster. Going back to the brief I should be creating 'an illustrated diagram of yourself.'

Thinking about concept, the girl isn't necessarily me but I felt I needed a girl in there to show the contrast of the huge universe. Without the girl would it just be a night sky?

Thinking about media, I want to use paint. I chose paint so I could create texture and the colours I want, I need to experiment more with this for the final piece.

Think about composition, I like the idea of having a small girl on the A2 poster. I think the contrast of the size is really effective and communicates the message of how big the universe is and how crazy that is.
Which composition is better? I like one including the girl looking out the window because it has a sense of being on earth but looking out to the galaxies and beyond (maybe shows introversion too?) but I like the one on the right because I think it shows the contrast better of how small the girl and earth is. 

I'm gonna try more roughs with a smaller girl? a bigger moon? Trying different ways to create the night sky, using more texture?
Maybe not use black, could use blues and purples?
I like the direction this is heading but definitely not there yet.

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