Thursday 11 May 2017

Final A2 Poster

My final poster is finished yay

What went well
-I took my time with roughing, planning and executing this and I really got into this task
I actually enjoyed painting and really got into the zone and it was fun to go back to something that I've always loved, painting is what I've done since I can remember 
-I like the colours and limited colour palette, I'm not great with colours but I like these, purples with the greys and blacks just make me thing of magic 
-I personally think it creates the atmosphere I was going for but I'm unsure if my audience would get it
-Feel like I'm going in the right direction in making the work I want to make and work that has a sense of magic and mystery 
Thinking about the effect I have on the audience of making them feel enchanted
-I like the texture I've created in the sky with gouache, makes it a bit more interesting than a very flat painting
-I really like the small character within the huge frame, the contrast is what I was going for

What didn't go well
- I don't know if its because I've been staring at it for hours but I don't like it that much, I keep thinking maybe its too obvious of a concept? Is the execution a bit A Level? I tried to create texture with the sky but idk if it worked
-Did I take any risks? Not really, used the media I've always loved but that's what I enjoy? But aren't I meant to be trying new things all the time
-I don't like the character, I wanted a girl to represent me and to show the contrast of the huge night sky to me but I feel like I'm not very good at character designing
But I did want to go pretty simple with the character as its not about her, its about the sky and the universe
-I feel like its a bit unoriginal and idk why? Couldn't someone else could come up with idea quite easily? I always think that though because I'm in my brain is seems obvious to me 

Overall I'm quite pleased with it, think it sums up where I want to be going with my work, I tried to capture more of the magic of the universe and also the unknown.  It could definitely be improved, my work will always be changing and improving.

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