Monday 18 February 2019

SWOT + Future

Today's presentation was about other career paths that aren't freelance illustration. I feel this is where I want to go as although I still want to be creative I don't think I have the drive or motivation to be freelance. A couple of things mentioned were useful to me and things I want to explore more and research. 
McCann was mentioned as one of the biggest marketing agency's and there is one of the offices down the road from my house, so I think it would be worth it to email about hopefully doing 1 week placement there over Easter or something. I have no idea if this is something I would be interested in or good at as I don't really know what it involves. I'll email them this week and also research what they do there.
Also things to look at are Creative Proof Jobs and The Directory of Design Consultant. 

-time management
-analogue and digital ways of working
-fast learner
-photoshop skills

-lacking discipline  
-lacking confidence
-don't like talking about my work

-Need to make the most of online presence and post more
-The gothic/dark trend is popular
-Need to take part in more opportunities such as fairs and exhibitions

-There's is similar work to mine and people that do it better
-What makes my work different?
-Need to improve public speaking/presentation skills

I also filled in this SWOT analysis to think about what my strengths and weaknesses are so I can think about what kind of job I'd want/be good at. 
My friend recently said I would be a good project manager because I'm so organised and motivating which is something I could apply for.

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