Wednesday 16 November 2016

Study Task 3 - Applied

What does it mean to say that illustration is an applied art?
-It portrays a message and serves a purpose
-It is the bridge between an idea and an audience
-You work for people/with people
-It is a tool for story telling and meaning making
-It answers a brief

Application defines illustration 

Examples of illustrated products

Mike Cortada


I chose an A Day to Remember album cover. I really like drawings with perspective, mainly because I really struggle to do it. I think this one really works well as an album cover and I really like how to title is incorporated into the whole design. I really like the limited colours used and the bright colour used for the title, very eye catching. 

Nick Sheehy

Image result for nick sheehy t shirt
This is an example where an illustration has been applied to something functional like a t shirt. I guess its a success for a functional illustration as we all need clothes but I dunno I feel like an illustration like this works better on paper just to be admired, because his skill is crazy.
Punky Pins

I love these pins I keep seeing everywhere and people wearing on their jacket or bag, its like carrying a little illustration around with you 24/7. I especially like this Wednesday Addams because it speaks to me, its how I feel about darkness and black and I like that there will be different pins for different people.

Alan Lee

Image result for alan lee book cover
 I love everything by the fantasy illustrator Alan Lee. I feel it takes such talent to read words, imagine a fantasy world and then translate that into images. I especially love this book cover because it only shows part of a dragon rather than a whole dragon, making me want to read the book to find out more.

Simon Lewis
Image result for simon lewis illustration

I saw this print at the Leeds Print Fair last week and I just love everything about it. I think the colours work so well, in that they are brighter around the performers so the eye is drawn there. I just think a gig is a perfect moment to capture in an illustration and Simon Lewis has captured the moment perfectly. It would work well on a wall just as a piece of art and I would love it on my wall but too expensive :(

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