Monday 26 September 2016

Study Task 1- Image Idea Context

Shaun Tan 'Eric'
Image result for shaun tan drawings ERIC
I chose Shaun Tan's series of illustrations called 'Eric'. The story behind this short story is so adorable and made me fall in love with Eric and also Shaun Tan's work. The story is about a foreign exchange student, Eric, who comes to live with a family and he turns out to be quite strange (in a good way) by asking unexpected questions and leaving behind a peanut. The illustrations accompanying this story makes Eric really come to life and a really likeable character.

What makes this idea successful?
The cuteness and quirkiness of the character Eric. The way Shaun Tan has drawn Eric doing different things shows his character really well.

What/who was it made for?
A part of his book 'Tales from Outer Suburbia'. I'm not sure on the intended audience but it comes across as a children's book which would also be loved by everyone. I looked at some reviews of the book and the reaction was exactly the same as mine. Everyone's response was how adorable and lovely the stories and illustrations were.

How was the image made and what works about it?
Shaun Tan's work is mainly pencil drawings and in black and white which is really effective. I love that the last drawing in the series is the only one with colour and also the typography that goes with it 'THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL TIME'. 

Image result for eric shaun tan   
My reaction 'Awwwwwwwwww' *heart strings were pulled*

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