Thursday 31 January 2019


-I set up an Etsy shop to sell my earrings that I laser cut and also some stickers I made. I have sold about 10 pairs of earrings on here
-Has been a good way to see the process of selling work online and also to make a bit of pocket money
-This is also good platform to get some work out there and also having a go to create a bit of branding with the logo, shop name and banner
-I could work on the professionalism of the photos

Sunday 27 January 2019


Today's PP session was about goal setting and thinking about the future. 

Who am I now? 
Enjoying the process of adding foil and glitter to dark and mystical illustrations. I enjoy drawing by hand but also editing digitally to create a clean and professional finish. I know I like drawing creatures, especially mythological creatures, and anything related to enchantment, witchcraft and forests. I think this work can be applied within spot illustration, book covers but also making prints to sell and be seen in exhibitions.

Ideas for future practice?
Ideally I'd like to be freelance but realistically I need a stable income and I won't be able to be freelance straight away, I feel I need to refine my practice still and this takes time. I could potentially be a teacher, maybe work part time as a foundation/ university tutor and also selling work/ freelancing in my free time. OR I would like to work for a creative company but I don't really know what as. 

I need to research what job roles are out there in the creative industries that aren't an illustrator to see what else I could do

What does my practice need to grow?
-Improved online presence, joined The Dots, LinkedIn, 
-Networking and connections
-Make more work I like, create a strong portfolio
-Take part in more exhibitions and print fairs
-Look into teaching qualifications

I went to a PGCE open day not long ago at Birmingham City University, I looked at the Design&Technology and Art&Design departments and it looked quite fun and I like the idea of a guaranteed job at the end of the qualifications in something that would be enjoyable. I spoke to a lady there who was really encouraging and positive. However, I think I want to have a go at being freelance or working for a creative company first and this is my plan B.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Girl Gang Leeds

Girl Gang Leeds hosted a print fair at Left Bank Leeds and this was my first time being a part of a print fair
- The process of applying, talking to Girl Gang Leeds, getting the stock and money ready was eyeopening and interesting 
-I had to think about everything such as about how to display my name or even having a table cover
-I didn't get much table space but I made it work and plenty of people came over to have a look
-Was encouraging to know people want to buy my work, made about £100, which has increased my confidence in my work and being an illustrator in the future
-People asked for a business card which I don't have yet so that's something to sort for my next print fair

Monday 7 January 2019

Context of Work

Today's PP session was starting to think about what context my work would lie in, what area of work I am interested in and what kind of people I want to get in contact with or invite to the symposium. This list was from the group task of thinking about who to invite to the symposium. 

-Advertising companies
-Music promoters
-Art therapy/ community artist
-Retail companies/designers
-Editorial- magazines
-Printing company

Areas I'm interested in:
-teaching or part time teaching
-I'd like to teach art classes or foundation and above
-freelancing, own projects or selling own work, etsy etc
-working as a designer for company such as Regal Rose, Shop Dixi, Mary Wyatt London
-designing for alternative brands
-starting an independent alternative brand