Wednesday 22 February 2017

Abstract Netflix Series

This documentary made me feel sooo inspired! Chris Neimann is so clever. Him talk about illustration put it in a whole new light for me. It's all about problem solving and communicating an idea. He was so determined and had a lot of perservance in solving a problem which is something I need to learn. I love these Abstract Sunday sketches that are shown below, they're so simple and so clever!! It shows he see's something like a pipette or a  bread roll as something completely different.

Image result for chris niemann

Image result for chris niemann

Tuesday 21 February 2017

The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery

Grant W. Miller, 2007, mixed media
I like the colours and how much is going on all the angles
I like that you see the more you look at it
It's dissimilar to my own work which I like, I should use more colour and business

Screaming Torso ll, Gyorgy Gordon, 1976, Ink on paper
Similar to my own work with the use of ink and lack of colour
I prefer quick gestural sketches to something that took a long time

At Night at Home, Gyorgy Gordon, 1991, oil on canvas
I like the interesting use of composition, and light and dark
I try to consider this in my own work but I aim to consider it more

War ll Horses, Gyorgy Gordon, 1969, ink on paper
Again I like the use of ink and the quick gestural sketch

I would give the gallery a solid 5/10. I would recommend it to a friend if they were really looking for something to do when bored in Leeds as they show a diverse range of work but I wouldn't suggest someone went out of their way to go.

Dominic Kesterton Lecture

I really enjoyed Dom talking to us about his practice and his journey. I really like his work. Some if it is just weird which I love. I also really like the balanced and random arrangements of random objects. Some of his work is funny. Some of his work is so simple. These talks make me feel better because being an illustrator doesn't seem that unattainable if you put in the hard work.