Friday 3 November 2017

Study Task 3

-Time management
-Analogue methods
-Lots of ideas
-Fast learner, common sense

-Digital methods
-Lazy, unmotivated
-Public speaking and speaking to anyone about my work
-Not executing all my ideas, or finishing to their full potential

-I need to post my work online
-take advantage of social media and how many people that can reach
-I see trends in my gothic/witchy illustrations so I need to aim my work at this audience

-People make similar work to mine
-Need to improve confidence in my work and confidence in talking to people about my work and also publicly speaking
-Other people would be stronger than me at this
-Is my style unique enough? What am I offering that's different?

Political Factor
- A lot of people believe the creative industries aren't important
-A lot of people don't believe there are any jobs in the creative industries

Economical Factor
-Will have to pay back student loan
-It is hard to start a small business, an overcrowded market
-Business start up costs are high, could get a loan or funding
-It is hard to be a successful freelancer straight from university

Sociological Factor
-Target audience
-Trends change frequently
-Social media platforms have changed what posts reach who, made it harder to become
popular on social media

Technological Factor
-Digital work can be faster, which could be better for short turn around projects like editorials
-How can digital and analogue be combined