Thursday 19 October 2017

Study Task 2

Creative Director Elisabeth Krohn
-the editor and creative director at Sabat magazine
-private sector
-creative industry, publishing domain
-publishing and editorial discipline 

Gig Poster Designer Jeff Soto
-private sector
-screen prints for band tours
-creative industry, freelance practitioner
-informing the public, service/ communication design

Freelance Illustrator Sabrina Scott
-private sector
-creative industry, comic book to inform and learn about witchcraft
- freelance practitioner, communication design- illustrating

Creative Team Sad Ghost Club
-private sector
- make comic books, apparel and merchandise to spread positive awareness of mental health
-creative industry, illustration, communication design, positive message spreading

Tattoo Artist Meg Langdale
-private sector
-creative industry, communication design, illustrating the body
-providing a service of tattooing the individual

Monday 9 October 2017

Study Task 1

Summarative Statement

Illustrator, I appreciate craftmanship and skill, open minded, thumbnailing, roughing, learning, visual language, unsure about what I want to do, worrying, analogue, dedicated, organised, to do lists, good at managing time,team player, lacking confidence, want to be more involved and motivated, inspired by Sabrina Scott, Louise Lockhart, Holly Exley, Katie Scott and Lize Meddings, look at instagram too much, need to practice photoshop, only know basics, want to know more about possible career paths and opportunities, and more about printing processes and marketing and selling my own work.

Self Portrait

My self portrait is representing me looking into the future academic year and behind me shows the things I need such as a bottle of motivation, books with information on selling work, how to get a job, photoshop and confidence in my work.